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Currently, different types of intermingle transport operations involving different combinations such

as( ).

A. sea/air B. air/road C. sea/sea D. mini-bridge

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更多“Currently, different types of …”相关的问题
Currently, different types of inter modal transport operation involving different combinational are
taken place.
Currently,different types electronic delivery of marine bills of lading are used,such as() ,it wil

Currently,different types electronic delivery of marine bills of lading are used,such as( ) ,it will save time and provide the documents instantly.

A. E-mail B. telex

C. telegraph D. print a formatted B/L

Currently, different types of multimodal transport operation involving different combinations are ta
king place.( ) is one types of multimodal transport operations but not involving rail.

A. Land bridge B. Air/Sea C. Sea train D. Piggyback

During network congestion, PTN devices provide QoS bandwidth for high advanced servic
e type by different queue scheduling policies. Currently, PTN devices adopt two scheduling modes simultaneously, which are()and().

At the level of approach there are at least three different theoretical views of lang
uage explicitly or implicitly underlying currently popular language teaching methods: ____, functional view and interactional view.

A.the linking of structuralism

B. behaviorism

C. structural view

D. audiolingualism

"Worse than useless," fumed Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, on Mar
ch 19th, when the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the Immigration and Naturalization Service. "Terrible, and getting worse," added Zoe Lofgren, a Demo critic colleague who has kept a watchful eye on the INS for ten years.

Committee members lined up to take swings at James Ziglar, the head of the INS. He explained, somewhat pathetically, that "outdated procedures" had kept the visa-processing wheels grinding slowly through a backlog of applications. He also had some new rules in mind to tighten up visas. Speeding up the paperwork—and getting more of it on to computers—is vital, but the September 11th attacks have exposed the tension between the agency's two jobs: on the one hand enforcing the security of America's borders, on the other granting privileges such as work permits to foreigners.

But other people want more radical changes. James Sensenbrenner, a Republican congressman from Wisconsin, wants to split the INS into two separate bodies, one dealing with border security and the other with handling benefits to immigrants. The other approach, favored in the White House, is to treat the two functions as complementary, and to give the INS even more responsibility for security. Under that plan, the INS would merge with the Customs Service, which monitors the 20m shipments of goods brought into America every year, as well as the bags carried in by some 500m visitors. The two agencies would form. one large body within the Department of Justice, the current home of the INS. This would cut out some of the duplicated effort at borders, where customs officers and agents from the INS's Border Patrol often rub shoulders but do not work together.

Mr. Bush—who has said that the news of the visa approvals left him "plenty hot"—was expected to give his approval. The senate, however, may not be quite so keen. The Justice Department could have trouble handling such a merger, let alone taking on the considerable economic responsibilities of the Customs Service, which is currently part of the Treasury.

The senate prefers yet another set of security recommendations, including links between the databases of different agencies that hold security and immigration information, and scanners at ports of entry to check biometric data recorded on immigration documents. These ideas are embodied in a bill sponsored by members of both parties, but are currently held up by Robert Byrd, the chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, who worries that there has not been enough debate on the subject. Mr. Ziglar, poor chap, may feel there has been more than enough.

We can learn from the first paragraph that INS ______.

A.will be subjected to strong criticisms.

B.has become the public laughing stock.

C.will take up economic responsibilities.

D.has won the support from Mr. Bush.

"Worse than useless", fumed Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, on Mar
ch 19th, when the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the Immigration and Naturalization Service. "Terrible, and getting worse", added Zoe Lofgren, a Democratic colleague who has kept a watchful eye on the INS for ten years.

Committee members lined up to take swings at James Ziglar, the head of the INS. He explained, somewhat pathetically, that "outdated procedures" had kept the visa-processing wheels grinding slowly through a backlog of applications. He also had some new rules in mind to tighten up visas. Speeding up the paperwork—and getting more of it on to computers—is vital, but the September attacks have exposed the tension between the agency's two jobs: on the one hand enforcing the security of America's borders, and on the other granting privileges such as work permits to foreigners.

But other people want more radical changes. James Sensenbrenner, a Republican congressman from Wisconsin, wants to split the INS into two separate bodies, one dealing with border security and the other with handling benefits to immigrants. The other approach, favored in the White House, is to treat the two functions as complementary, and to give the INS even more responsibility for security. Under that plan, the INS would merge with the Customs Service, which monitors the 20m shipments of goods brought into America every year, as well as the bags carried in by some 500m visitors. The two agencies would form. one large body within the Department of Justice, the current home of the INS. This would cut out some of the duplicated effort at borders, where customs officers and agents from the INS's Border Patrol often rub shoulders but do not work together.

Mr. Bush—who has said that the news of the visa approvals left him "plenty hot"—was expected to give his approval. The senate, however, may not be quite so keen. The Justice Department could have trouble handling such a merger, let alone taking on the considerable economic responsibilities of the Customs Service, which is currently part of the Treasury.

The senate prefers yet another set of security recommendations, including links between the databases of different agencies that hold security and immigration information, and scanners at ports of entry to check biometric data recorded on immigration documents. These ideas are embodied in a bill sponsored by members of both parties, but are currently held up by Robert Byrd, the chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, who worries that there has not been enough debate on the subject. Mr. Ziglar, poor chap, may feel there Nas been more than enough.

We learn from the text that the work of the INS ______.

A.has captured close attention.

B.is being performed at full swing.

C.earned the contempt of officers.

D.is running into a state of confusion.

Feeling anxious? Your mood may actually change how your dinner tastes, making the bitter a
nd salty flavors recede, according to new research. This link between the chemical balance in your brain and your sense of taste could one day help doctors to treat depression. There are currently no on-the-spot tests for deciding which medication will work best in individual patients with this condition. Researchers hope that a test based on flavor detection could help doctors to get more prescriptions right first time.

It has long been known that people who are depressed have lower-than-usual levels of the brain chemicals serotonin or noradrenaline, or in some cases both. Many also have a blunted sense of taste, which is presumably caused by changes in brain chemistry. To unpick the relationship between the two, Lucy Donaldson and her colleagues at the University of Bristol, UK, gave 20 healthy volunteers two antidepressant drugs, and checked their sensitivity to different tastes. The drug that raised serotonin levels made people more sensitive to sweet and bitter tastes, the team reports in the Journal of Neuroscience. The other, which increased noradrenaline, enhanced recognition of bitter and sour tastes.

In healthy people, volunteers whose anxiety levels were naturally higher were less sensitive to bitter and salty tastes. "What hasn't been done be{ore is to look precisely at which tastes are affected in depression," says Donaldson. Now the results are in, "we can discriminate between the chemicals and the tastes that seem to be altered," she says. Testing sensitivity to sweet and sour tastes could potentially help doctors to pick up on which chemicals are dipping, guiding them when choosing which drug to rectify the problem.

Currently, doctors rely on physical and emotional symptoms to make a best guess at an individual's imbalance, prescribe a drug and wait about a month to check on any improvement. Good doctors have about a 60-80% success rate in selecting the right drug the first time, says psychiatrist Jan Melichar, a co-author on the paper. Are there any decent tests for prescribing drugs for depression? "No. We do a best guesstimate," says Melichar. "I'm excited by this finding because in 3, 5 or 7 years we could have a simple taste test. "

Next, the team plans to perform. similar tests in depressed people, and in healthy volunteers given another brain chemical called tryptophan. This chemical would lower the healthy subjects' levels of serotonin, as actually happens in depressed patients.

The work has also generated interest from flavor houses--companies that develop chemicals for the food and drink industry--who are interested in making foods taste just as sweet with half the amount of sugar. "Theoretically there would be the possibility of enhancing your meal with drugs that affect brain chemicals so that things would taste better--you couid have a 'designer taste tablet'," Donaldson says.

The study of the link between mood and taste can help______.

A.people to gain better mood

B.doctor to cure depression

C.people to increase appetite

D.researchers to get prescriptions

There have been changes in all sorts of different areas of British society.In recent

years in the UK we have had a very large increase in the number of couples who get divorced

After 1969 and the Divorce Law Reform. Act we had a very rapid increase in the number of divorces.The rate increased steadily and in recent years has increased much more rapidly.But there are also quite a lot of people who do actually get married.At present the marriage rate in the UK is about 70 per cent, which has gone down since the number of people who marry has gone down qui te a lot in the last 20 years, but more significantly in the last 10 years.Quite high proportions of people now live together without marrying, and, for example, 40 per cent of children born in the UK are born to couples who aren't married or are born to lone parents.There are quite a large number of lone parent families, 90 per cent of these are headed by a woman rather than a man

The average family size now in the UK is 1.8 children per couple, which

Means that there’s been quite a decline in the birth rate in the UK along with other European countries.

21.What does the passage mainly discuss?()

A.The declining divorce rate in the UK.

B.Trends in marriage and divorce in the UK.

C.The increasing divorce rate in the UK.

22.During the last ten years,()

A.the marriage rate has gone down more rapidly in the UK

B.the marriage rate has gone up a lot in the UK

C.40% of children were born to unwed couples in the UK

23.According to the passage, the cohabitation rate in the UK tends to ___



C.stay stable

24.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.The highest divorce rate was around 1969.

B.The marriage rate has gone down in recent years.

C.The marriage rate is currently 70 percent.

25.The last paragraph tells us()

A.the birth rate in the UK is increasing at the moment

B.the birth rate in other European countries keeps increasing

C.the birth rate in the UK is decreasing rapidly now

It is estimated that, currently, about 50000 species become ______ every year.A.extinctB.i

It is estimated that, currently, about 50000 species become ______ every year.





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